Early March
Great Egret
Common Grass Yellow
Pheasant Coucal
Blue Tiger also called Blue Wanderer.
Assassin Bug
Royal Spoonbill
Grass Skipper
Immature male Leaden Flycatcher
Evening Brown
Spangled Drongo
Banded Bee Fly
White-banded Lineblue
Big numbers of Blue Wanderers or Blue Tigers are gathering on the flowering Quandong trees, together with some Common Crows.
A caterpillar of an Evening Brown butterfly.
Leaden Flycatcher
Pheasant Coucal
Speckled Line-blue
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
A caterpillar of an Evening Brown butterfly.
Leaden Flycatcher
Pheasant Coucal
Speckled Line-blue
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Green and Black Planthopper
Late March
Little Pied Cormorant
Comely Box-owlet - Grammodes pulcherrima
A newly-born Evening Brown butterfly.
Donuca rubropicta
A male Golden Whistler
Late March
Little Pied Cormorant
Comely Box-owlet - Grammodes pulcherrima
A newly-born Evening Brown butterfly.
Donuca rubropicta
A male Golden Whistler
Laughing Kookaburra
Dark Epicome - Epicoma tristis
Corky Passion Vine (weed) - Passiflora suberosa
Flat-stemmed Wattle - Acacia complanata
Male Variegated Fairywren
Royal Spoonbill
Crested Pigeons
Almost hidden to the right is a juvenile Channel-billed Cuckoo begging for food to the Torresian Crow its foster parent.
Sacred Kingfisher, an immature.
Caterpillar of an Evening Brown butterfly.
Bar-shouldered Dove
Masked Lapwing
Caterpillar of a Variable Anthelid (moth) Anthela varia
Triple-barred Moth - Mocis trifasciata
Lewin's Honeyeater
Evening Brown - Melanitis leda
Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth - Spoladea recurvalis
Castor Semi-looper - Achaea janata
Green Jewel Bug - Lampromicra senator
Australian Garden Orbweaver - Eriophora transmarina
Short-horned Grasshopper
Little Black Cormorant
Grass Dart
Definitely a strange month in terms of birds, comparing to last year, spring migration didn't happen this year, Golden Whistlers, Rufous Whistlers, Black-faced Monarchs, Spectacled Monarchs, Grey Fantails are all either missing or in very small numbers. Alas, I can't not think about the effects of the bushfires from last summer thorough the country. On the other hand, in terms of butterflies and moths, March has been glorious with very high numbers, many reproducing and showing all stages of development.
This month I have visited ten times and seen a total of 61 species of birds on average, 34.5 species per outing.
Dark Epicome - Epicoma tristis
Corky Passion Vine (weed) - Passiflora suberosa
Flat-stemmed Wattle - Acacia complanata
Male Variegated Fairywren
Royal Spoonbill
Crested Pigeons
Almost hidden to the right is a juvenile Channel-billed Cuckoo begging for food to the Torresian Crow its foster parent.
Sacred Kingfisher, an immature.
Caterpillar of an Evening Brown butterfly.
Bar-shouldered Dove
Masked Lapwing
Caterpillar of a Variable Anthelid (moth) Anthela varia
Triple-barred Moth - Mocis trifasciata
Lewin's Honeyeater
Evening Brown - Melanitis leda
Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth - Spoladea recurvalis
Castor Semi-looper - Achaea janata
Green Jewel Bug - Lampromicra senator
Australian Garden Orbweaver - Eriophora transmarina
Short-horned Grasshopper
Little Black Cormorant
Grass Dart
Definitely a strange month in terms of birds, comparing to last year, spring migration didn't happen this year, Golden Whistlers, Rufous Whistlers, Black-faced Monarchs, Spectacled Monarchs, Grey Fantails are all either missing or in very small numbers. Alas, I can't not think about the effects of the bushfires from last summer thorough the country. On the other hand, in terms of butterflies and moths, March has been glorious with very high numbers, many reproducing and showing all stages of development.
This month I have visited ten times and seen a total of 61 species of birds on average, 34.5 species per outing.